Thursday, September 5, 2013


       Constants are also known as literals in C.
       Constants are quantities whose values do not change during program execution.
       There are two types of constants:
1.       Numeric constants
2.       Character constants
       The const keyword is used to declare a constant, as shown below:
                                                int const a = 1;
                                                const int a =2;
       The keyword const can be declared before or after the data type.
       Numeric constants are of two types:
                                             i.            Integer constants   
                                           ii.            Floating point constants
        i.            Integer Constants
       The whole numbers which have no fraction part (decimal point) or comma is called integer constants.
       An integer represents a value that is counted like the number of students in a class.
       Negative integer constant must be preceded by a negative sign but a plus sign is optional for non-negative integers. Some examples of valid integer constants are:
Following are invalid integer constants for the reason indicated:
       1(blank) 9
       34, 56
       In above example, character (#), blank space,(.) , (,),(-+) are illegal characters and 0 cannot be the first digits of integer constants.
      ii.            Floating Point Constants
       Floating point constants are also called real constants.
       Floating point constants are used to represent values that are measured like the height of a person which might have a value of 166.75 cm, as opposed to integer constants which are used to represent values that are counted.
       A floating point constant consists of either a fraction form or the exponent or the both. It may have either sign (+,-).
       Some valid floating points are as given;
                                0.5, 11.0, 8905.2, 66668e2, -52.34,-0.123
       The following are some invalid floating point constant;
       85——————– Missing decimal point (.)
       -1/2——————- Illegal characters (/)
       .59, 45.4—————Illegal character (.,,) and no digits to left of the decimal point.
       Some valid floating pint constants in the exponent forms are given below.
       8.85e5——is equivalent to 885000.
       6.6E2——–is equivalent to 660.
5.3e-6——-is equivalent to -530000.
       Character constants are enclosed within single quotes such as ‘a’,  ‘cd’,  ‘%’ represent character constants.
       It usually includes:
       Digits 0 through 9
       Uppercase letters A through Z
       Lowercase letters a through z
       Punctuation symbols such as semicolon (;)
       Comma (,)
       Period (.)
Special symbols such as +,-, =,> etc.
       #include <stdio.h>
       void main() {
         int const RED=5, YELLOW=6, GREEN=4, BLUE=5;
          printf("RED = %d\n", RED);
         printf("YELLOW = %d\n", YELLOW);
         printf("GREEN = %d\n", GREEN);
         printf("BLUE = %d\n", BLUE);
        This will produce following results
          RED = 5
         YELLOW = 6
         GREEN = 4
         BLUE = 5

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