Tuesday, September 24, 2013

C Program to find AREA and CIRCUMFERENCE of circle

C Program to find AREA and CIRCUMFERENCE of circle


int main()
int rad;
float PI=3.14,area,ci;

printf("nEnter radius of circle: ");

area = PI * rad * rad;
printf("nArea of circle : %f ",area);

ci = 2 * PI * rad;
printf("nCircumference : %f ",ci);


Output :

Enter radius of a circle : 1
Area of circle : 3.14
Circumference  : 6.28

Explanation of Program :

In this program we have to calculate the area and circumference of the circle. We have following 2 formulas for finding circumference and area of circle.
Area of Circle = PI * R * R
Circumference of Circle = 2 * PI * R
In the above program we have declared the floating point variable PI whose value is defaulted to 3.14.We are accepting the radius from user.
printf("nEnter radius of circle: ");

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